Bynco: right website, right moment
24 januari 2018, PaulWhy Bynco really has a chance of success!
I am following the American website Carvana.com for a while now. This is a website where consumers can buy a used car online, with above-average interest. Meanwhile, I was hopefully waiting for the Dutch version of Carvana. And here it is: this week Bynco.com is online, a start-up of the Autobinck Holding that has everything it needs to become successful.
The concept of Bynco is simple. On the website you, as a consumer, can view a car in the right way, so in 360 degrees view, both inside and outside. You can also easily zoom in on the scratches and traces of use, so you know exactly how the young occasion stands. It is proof that the technology makes it possible to present a car exactly the way it is online. As far as I am concerned, this should be the standard for every dealer. The customer expects this because you are talking about a product that costs thousands of euros. The presentation of the Dekra report on Bynco.nl is also good and inspires confidence, because knowing what you are selling and buying is a must, which benefits both the buyer and the seller.
No trade-in
The only ‘problem’ of buying online from Bynco is that you cannot trade in your used car. I understand that, because in exchange negotiation comes into play and that is something that the customer is not always waiting for, especially when he decides to buy online. The time of hand-clapping on the cattle market has really passed. But in the meantime most of the customers that are in the market for another car do have a trade-in car and not everyone wants people at the door or do business with parties like ikwilvanmijnautoaf.nl. No, they prefer one address to arrange everything.
Price comparison
Not being able to negotiate the purchase price of the car is easy to explain, especially if you can justify that the offer is correct in relation to the market. Not the cheapest, not the most expensive and with enough information to verify that. I still miss the answer to that question on the Bynco website. I want to know how the price of the car relates to the market. Be transparent about this on your own website too, because then you prevent the customer from being ‘forced’ to look for similar models at Marktplaats, for example. With all the risks of a temptation. Bynco has not followed the Carvana model at this point and that is unfortunate, because that price comparison is in my opinion one of the strengths of Carvana.
Technology of the website
The technique of the Bynco website is very good. Of course you can have a discussion whether all the logos of the options on the details page of the cars are the right way of presenting, but the look and feel of the website is completely of this time. The responsive character is also extremely good. All pages look neat on a smartphone.
Yet another point of criticism: the most important conversion option, the click to call, is missing on the VDP page and on the contact page the telephone number is not immediately ‘clickable’. So you have to copy and paste the number if you want to call.
Pay with Ideal
At Bynco you can pay the car with iDeal. Totally awesome, of course, because this way of paying is now generally accepted. Because of the many guarantees and the law Remote Buying, there is actually no longer any obstacle for the consumer not to do this. For Bynco, applying for the Thuiswinkel Waarborg quality mark, which Nieuweautokopen.nl has received as the first webshop for new cars in 2006, is the right next step to take.
About Paul de Vries
Paul de Vries became a Key Automotive Spokesperson at eBay (Marketplace) after selling Nieuweautokopen.nl to eBay back in 2015. Paul is the founder and CEO of the #DCDW Academy and the presenter of the #DCDW Podcast. He is also a by dealers and importers frequently asked speaker in the online automotive industry. Paul is the winner of the prestigious Lighthouse Award 2016 in the U.S.! `Lead the Way op de digitale snelweg’ is Paul’s new book, which can be used as a guide in the online automotive industry. More information is available at: DCDW.nl.