Marktplaats is really going to show off at the upcoming NADA2018 in Las Vegas!
3 maart 2018, PaulAre you going to the NADA 2018 in Las Vegas?
If you are going to the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) in Las Vegas this year, we would like to invite you for a breakfast session with me and my colleagues from Marktplaats. The session will take place on Friday, March 23, from 07:00 am to 10:00 am at The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas.
What will Marktplaats do?
Marktplaats is part of the eBay Classified Groups, which includes Mobile.de, the British Gumtree, 2dehands.be and the Canadian, Italian Kijiji. An international group has been invited to the breakfast session. Expect, among others, dealers from Canada, South Africa, Australia, England, Italy, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. During the session we want all parties to ‘connect’ with each other to become better in the online automotive, together. You will have the opportunity to talk with like-minded people about the opportunities that 2018 has to offer. We sincerely invite you, on behalf of Marktplaats, to attend this inspiring meeting. And, if you go to NADA in Las Vegas anyway, it’s a shame not to take this chance.
Interesting speakers
In order to maximize the possibility of networking, we will provide three reputable speakers. Brian Pasch doesn’t need an introduction in the Netherlands, but is the undisputed authority in America when it comes to online marketing for car companies. In his presentation, Brian will make clear how a dealer can measure his marketing investments in 2018 using, among other tools, Google Analytics. He will also share the latest insights with us when it comes to Return of Investment. Marktplaats also ensures that Brian will hand over his latest book, on the same topic and with the title ‘Who sold it’, to the participants during a signing session.
Brian Miller, aka ‘brianthecarguy’, will give a presentation about ‘Three Ring Circus of the Future’ or ‘if we do what we always do, we will not achieve the same result in 2018’. The world is changing and must be anticipated. Brian discusses three themes that will help the dealers to improve.
The last presentation will be up to me and will be about the online lead follow-up. Not that this is a new topic, but nowadays most leads still have to be called. The extent to which this is happening is still relevant and we still do not do what the customer expects us to do. A very quick substantive response is needed to enable us to make the next conversion! I also discuss the most important lead of all in terms of conversion and numbers: the call lead. In the ‘mobile only’ world, in which we live today and in which most websites are also viewed by mobile, the ‘click to call’ is the most important in the coming years. How do you deal with this opportunity?
At the eBay Motors stand
There will also be a lot going on at the eBay stand. I will present a duo presentation with Brian Pasch about the state of online automotive in 2018 and I will tell you about the opportunities and pitfalls for car companies. In addition, our friend Michael Cirillo will be at the stand on Saturday to record an episode of his worldwide popular automotive podcast ‘the dealer playbook’. In this episode eBay is central.
Drinks, where?
It is a nice habit to organize a Dutch party during the NADA. Johan Lammers will organize the party this year. Time and location are still unknown. Marktplaats will be the host, so that we can treat our Dutch colleagues, customers and stakeholders to a drink! Location: Mandarin Oriental Las Vegas March 22, 2018 from 05:00 pm – 07:00 pm.
Sign Up?
The NADA 2018 also promises to be an interesting meeting for the Dutch participants. We would like to hear in advance whether you are a party to the breakfast meeting. This in connection to the number of available places. You can sign up here. See you in Las Vegas!
About Paul and #DCDW
#DCDW was founded by Paul de Vries, the authority in the field of online automotive in the Netherlands. Paul uses his broad knowledge of the automotive industry to help sales people, sales managers and dealer management improve in their lead follow-up, sales and online marketing.
In addition, Paul is a frequently asked speaker, coach and motivator. He presents a podcast every week and two books with a collection of his inspiring blogs have already been published. Paul is also an automotive spokesperson of Marktplaats, an eBay company in the Netherlands.